Engineering Jobs | Recruitment | Placement | Manpower
Recruitment for Engineering Industry Recruitment for Engineering Industry Recruitment for Engineering Industry
Leading companies choose Sah International - Manpower Consultants as their preferred recruitment agency in India. Our agency is the most visited
Manpower Recruitment website, which has recruited Indian manpower for every industry around the world. If you are looking for recruiting Indian manpower in
Engineering for your company kindly mail your requirement to
If you would like to be considered for employment opportunities in Engineering with, Sah International - Manpower Consultants please post your
updated CVs / Resumes along with recent photo to You should receive a response within one or two business days.
A look at some of the major job categories, Sah International - Manpower Consultants in India deploys around the world.
Aerospace Engineer | Metallurgical Engineer |
Agricultural Engineer | Mining Engineer |
Application Engineer | Mining Safety Engineer |
Automotive Engineer | Naval Architect |
Biological Engineer | Network Engineer |
Biomedical Engineer | Nuclear Engineer |
Boiler Engineer | Operations Engineer |
Ceramics Engineer | Packaging Engineer |
Chemical Engineer | Performance Engineer |
Chief Engineer | Petroleum Engineer |
Civil Engineer | Pipeline Engineer |
Commissioning Engineer | Piping Engineer |
Compliance Engineer | Piping Stress Engineer |
Component Engineer | Planning Engineer |
Computer Hardware Engineer | Plant Engineer |
Computer Software Engineer | Plastics Engineer |
Construction Engineer | Power Engineer |
Contract Engineer | Process Control Engineer |
Controls Engineer | Process Design Engineer |
Cost Engineer | Process Engineer |
Design Engineer | Product Design/Development Engineer |
Director of Engineering | Product Engineer |
Drafting Technician | Production Engineer |
Drilling Engineer | Project Assistant |
E/M Engineer | Project Controls Engineer |
Electrical Design Engineer | Project Engineer |
Electrical Engineer | Proposal Engineering Coordinator |
Electrical Field Engineer | Protection Engineer |
Electro-Mechanical Engineer | Quality Assurance Engineer |
Electronics Engineer (non-computer) | Quality Control Engineer |
Engineering Aide | Quality Engineer |
Engineering Clerk | R D Engineer |
Engineering Executive | Relay Engineer |
Engineering Manager | Reliability Engineer |
Engineering Secretary | Research and Development Engineer |
Engineering Technician | Research Engineer |
Entry Level Engineer | Reservoir Engineer |
Environmental Compliance Engineer | RF Engineer |
Environmental Engineer | Rotating Equipment Engineer |
Environmental Health Safety Engineer | Safety Engineer |
Equipment Engineer | Sales Engineer |
Facilities Engineer | SCADA Engineer |
Field Service Engineer | Security Engineer |
Fire Protection Engineer | Senior Electrical Engineer |
Firmware Engineer | Senior Manufacturing Engineer |
Frontend Engineer | Senior Mechanical Engineer |
Geological Engineer | Senior Process Engineer |
Hardware Engineer | Software Engineer |
Health and Safety Engineer | Staff Engineer |
High-Pressure Engineer | Staking Engineer |
I C Engineer | Stationary Engineer |
Industrial Engineer | Structural Engineer |
Instrumentation Engineer | Substation Engineer |
Junior Engineer | Systems Engineer |
Lead Engineer | Technical Support Engineer |
Licensing Engineer | Telecommunications Engineer |
Logistics Engineer | Test Engineer |
Maintenance Engineer | Transmission Engineer |
Manager of Engineering | Transmission Planning Engineer |
Manufacturing Engineer | Turbine Engineer |
Marine Engineer | User Interface (UI) Engineer |
Materials Engineer | Validation Engineer |
Mechanical Design Engineer | Vice President of Engineering |
Welding Engineer |
Candidates whose applications best match our requirements will be invited to attend an interview. The panel, which usually consists of our clients, will
assess your suitability for the post and questions will be based around the criteria as detailed within the job description. It is therefore essential your
application provides full yet concise evidence that you meet the criteria for the post.
If selected for interview with client you will be asked to bring with you your original qualification certificates and proof of identity such as a passport
with other photographic ID. Interviews usually last a maximum of one hour and results are usually available the same day or incase of SKYPE interview, the
results are usually within seven days.
Recruitment for Engineering Industry